How to set boundaries during the holiday season.

Do you find it hard to say “No”? Here are some phrases that may help you set some healthy boundaries during this holiday season. Remember that no matter what your inner critic is saying, you are not being rude by setting boundaries. The tone of which you deliver a message makes a huge difference. Also remember that when saying “No”, you don’t need to justify yourself. It just is.

“Thank you for thinking of me but I already have another commitment on that day. How about we do something on [insert day/date/time here] instead?”

“I really appreciate the offer but I’m not going to be able to make it.”

“I’m sad that I’m going to miss this event! I look forward to hearing all about it the next time we catch up”.

“Unfortunately I won’t be able to make this event but I look forward to the next one”.

“I’ve got a lot on over the next few weeks. Can we postpone our catch up?”

“Thank you for thinking of me but I can’t make it on this occasion”.

Speaking assertively in this way to set boundaries is about being honest, transparent, friendly, and compassionate. While I’ve listed examples on how to set boundaries when it comes to protecting your time and commitments, you may find that you also need to set boundaries within your relationships. If you need further support on how to do this, give our team a call on (03) 9882 8874 to book an appointment. 

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This blog was written and prepared by Dr Celin Gelgec – Clinic Director and Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.