Take a Minute, Change a Life - #wspd2017


"Take a minute, change a life" is this years tag line for World Suicide Prevention Day.  To us, this tag line is pertinent since the latest figures by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that 65,000 people attempt suicide each year in Australia, and that Suicide is the leading cause of death for 15 - 44 year olds.  Specifically, the data shows that 8 people die every day from suicide. This is more than the National Road Toll.  What these figures mean is that sadly we do not talk about Suicide enough.  They show that for whatever reason we are missing the warning signs or that we can see them, but are not sure how to have "that" conversation. Thankfully there is help out there.  

Having "that" conversation with someone you are worried about can be daunting.  Sometimes all it takes is a compassionate heart, and a listening ear.  Seeing someone withdrawn, down, and behaving out of character can seem like obvious signs, however a lot of people often hide their distress and discomfort.  People who hide their distress and discomfort often seem "fine", when really they're not.  Sometimes we just have to ask, "how are you doing?".  If your gut instinct is telling you that something might not be right, then follow through and ask.  Expressing your concern (e.g., "I've noticed that you've been feeling overwhelmed lately, how are you going"), listening with compassion, validating their story (e.g., "what you're going through sounds pretty tough"), and checking in later down the track can help your loved one feel supported enough to think about sharing their load.  Taking a minute to have this conversation might just be the one that changes a life.  

Click on the following links to access the following websites for further support:

Suicide Call Back Service

World Suicide Prevention Day


Beyond Blue

Black Dog Institute


Kids Helpline


If you are concerned about someone's safety and would like further support then give our team a call on (03) 9882-8874.  Please note that since we're not a crisis service, we cannot provide emergency support.  If you or a loved one need urgent assistance then please dial "000" for crisis and emergency assistance.